is your digital inbox for letters received by the danish authorities and private companies. is a digital inbox facilitating communication between businesses and both public and private entities in Denmark. Through, businesses have access to a secure digital platform where they can receive and send official documents, messages, and correspondence. This digital inbox replaces the need for traditional mail and ensures that important communications from authorities and business partners can be handled efficiently and instantaneously. To enter you need to use your MitID.

Businesses can receive messages from various public entities such as tax authorities, trade registries, and immigration authorities through At the same time, they can also communicate with private businesses, customers, and suppliers, making the platform a central hub for business communication. offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for businesses to organize and manage their digital correspondence. By consolidating all communication on one platform, businesses can ensure that important messages are not lost and that they can respond quickly and effectively to inquiries from both the public and private sectors.

This digital inbox plays a crucial role in simplifying and streamlining communication between businesses and their stakeholders in Denmark. By providing a secure and reliable platform, contributes to creating a more efficient and transparent business environment that fosters growth and innovation.


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